agape fun.
tonite was the agape festival here in greenville and it was a total blast! none of my friends who weren't working wanted to go, so i ended up heading down by myself. fortuantely, i have a lot of friends and i knew someone would be down there. i ended up finding a friend and his sister who i hung out with most of the evening. skillet was playing when i arrived, and we found a nice prime spot where we could see the band, and see everyone coming in and leaving the main stage area. we walked around a bit later and i saw the majority of my friends who were working. while the speaker was speaking i met up with a couple of my track buddies and we ended up spending the rest of the evening together. the best part of the nite came when the david crowder band came on. they were awesome. i'd heard of them before but i'd never listened to them, and so i'm really glad that i went tonite to see them. it sprinkled a little bit during the show, but it only made it better. i'm so glad i went!
so... this may seem a little backwards but one of the things that i wanted for my birthday was a yellow beach crusier bike. yep, that's right, i wanted a bike for my 21st birthday. i am very excited about my bike and i can't wait to ride it. now i leave you with a picture of it.

- corrie
so... this may seem a little backwards but one of the things that i wanted for my birthday was a yellow beach crusier bike. yep, that's right, i wanted a bike for my 21st birthday. i am very excited about my bike and i can't wait to ride it. now i leave you with a picture of it.

- corrie
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