01 November 2006

time alone.

i have been super busy (for me that is) over the last couple of days. i would even say that i was stressed out, and it takes a lot for me to get that way. after 2:30 today i was much more relaxed. (note: 2:30 is when i finished a paper that was due in my 2:30 class. i'm good at stuff like that.)

funny moment from my day:
i walk into com seminar (2:30 class) a few minutes late, and i see that everyone has a piece of candy and is looking at a blue sheet of paper. i go to prof ross and she tells me to pick my favorite candy. my choices were hershey milk chocolate, krackel, mr. goodbar, or dark chocolate. i, of course, choose a krackel, and then she gives me my own sheet of blue paper. what i had just take was the candy test. it is another personality sorter (we've done a ton in that class), but possibly the most fun and telling of all. what does krackel say about me? check this out: messy but organized; creative, optimistic, perky, visual learners and teachers. sees the cup as half-full always, a little offbeat and crazy, entrepreneurial and friendly. doesn't mind chaos and able to multi-task. can fly by the seat of their pants and improvise. sometimes needs a deadline to get the task done. me me me me me! funny huh?

best part of my day:
i offered to take my friend maribeth to the airport so she could go home for her brother's wedding this weekend. we had a super enjoyable drive there, and made good time (which was good because we left 45 minutes later than we had planned!). on the way back, however, i was all alone. that turned out to be a huge blessing. i was able to call my mom and talk with her for a while. that is we had an actual conversation, not a "mom's calling me again so i have to talk to her." then i was able to rock out to brandtson (favorite band at the moment) and be alone. it was so nice and relaxing, something that i probably would have done if i was at home and needed to relax. i also made a phone call to a friend. she didn't answer but at least she knows i'm thinking of her. and to think, none of this would have happened if i had gone through with my plan to ask someone to ride with me. i was willing to take a chance, but it wasn't meant to be. good thing too.

sleepy time, at a decent hour!
- corrie


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