21 April 2007


each week at track meets we see a variety of different people, and each person brings their own unique thing to the meet. we regularly throw against this one girl who never seems to have a good attitude. after every throw she acts like it was the worst in the world, and looks like she will scratch it. i guess in high school she was a really good thrower, and now she's disappointed that she isn't where she wants to be now. i get that, but it still bothers me. here's the real point that i'm trying to get at: while she may not be throwing where she thinks she should be it is also interesting to note that she is the only female thrower on her team. greenville had 8 women competing in just hammer today. 8 of us. one of her. that is such a hard thing to deal with.

at my community college i was one of a few throwers on a small team. i was never the only female thrower on the team, but i did have instances when i was the only female thrower (or thrower at all) at a meet. it's not something that is easy to do. i was talking with another thrower about this girl's attitude today and he mentioned that she was heavily recruited to come here, but didn't end up coming. he said it in a way that made it seem like it wouldn't have been a good fit for her to be here. i think that greenville may have been a better place for her, and that she would be different now if she had come here then.

most of my life i have been content with being alone. it's something that i've kind of grown up with being an only child and had become part of my nature to be willing to be alone. recently that changed, and i no longer have the desire to be alone and sit alone and do things alone. it's not that i'm not capable of it anymore, but i'm finding it more and more refreshing to be around people. even if it's only one or two others.

so tonight as i sit her alone and sunburned i don't know what to do. i had some possible plans that fell through, and nothing else on my horizon. i suppose that i'll put in a movie (if i can decide on one that i want to watch), and lay on my bean bag chair, all alone. it will be a good thing. i think.

timing is everything.
- corrie


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