10 June 2006

been so long.

so. today i worked my first farmers market for underwoods, and it was great. i really enjoyed it, much better than the stand. but before i headed down to camarillo to work i ran by my current house sitting job, and with a few minutes to spare went to simone's to grab a vanilla latte (yum!). already at simones were a group of people who, at first glance, i didn't know. i looked back at them, and a couple of the women caught my eye. turns out that it was my second grade teacher mrs. wilson, and my fourth grade teacher mrs. burnell. i was surprised to see them. it has been a long time. i don't think that mrs. burnell remembered me (at least not by looking at me), but when i left i walked by mrs. wilson and she went "are you corrie?" and i said yes, and we talked for a minute, catching up briefly. (what are you up to? where do you go to school? what is your major? you're already done with you junior year of college? wow!) i had to run because i was running late (but actually made it right on time. go me!), but on my way to the market i thought back and realized that it had been 13 years since i'd been in her class. 13 years! that's crazy. i've been feeling (oddly) a little old, even though i realize that i'm not. it's just amazing how quickly (or slowly, whatever) the years add up. i guess i've just never thought about things in this way before. interesting and odd. up next, josh is turning 30. muahahaha, he is getting old. or at least that's what we'll all be telling him. ha.

content with my age.
- corrie


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