19 July 2006


i've been enjoying it lately. actually, i always enjoy it, but i've finally started enjoying some new stuff. i've gotten more music in the last 2 weeks than i did for the majority of the last year probably. and it's not just the same old bands and such, but new things too. last night before falling asleep i created a little play list that includes some of these new bands, with some classic songs that i always love. i'd now like to share it with you.

"good vibrations" the beach boys - the beach boys are classic summer music, and this is one of my favorite of their songs. the other two are "kokomo" and "woudn't it be nice", but they're not on this.

"good day sunshine" the beatles - another classic band, and a fun upbeat song. for a while the title was my headline on my myspace page. i feel like going on a bike ride along the beach and listen to this song then.

"please forgive me" david gray - i was trying to pick a new song for my myspace page, and didn't have any new bands that i wanted to put on, so i decided to go for an old favorite. while on david's page trying to decide what song to put on i listened to the lyrics of this one, and it all clicked for me. this is one of my favorite songs at the moment.

"tune out" the format - i just got this album, and this is a song that totally stood out for me. yesterday we took the middle & high school kids from church to six flags magic mountain, and i was singing the chorus to this song all day. i got a few funny looks, but i could have cared less.

"bonnie taylor shakedown 2k4" hellogoodbye - i went to warped tour last week and heard hellogoodbye play, then just the other night i decided to get some of their music. i'm really looking forward to the new album that will be coming out in august, but on their ep this is one of my favorite songs. i was singing this today around the kids i babysit, and sarah gave me this horrid look, like "what was i singing". i explained that it was a song lyric, and she rolled her eyes and was all "whatever." middle school age kids, sheeze.

"catch" leaves - this was the first song that i heard by this band, and it made me want to listen to more. while i was compiling this list this song just felt right to put on.

"ten days" missy higgins - she's awesome and i probably could have put any of her songs on, but this is one of my more favorite. also, i think it decently describes some dreams that i've been having lately. don't read too much into that.

"hotel song" regina spektor - i got her new album, and this is such a fantastic catchy song that i have to listen to it. i'd have to say that the beat is what really makes this song for me.

"i'll see that you aren't woken up" sherwood - i had to put ONE sherwood song on there, and chose this one. basically all of my music listening revolves around them right now, so something needed to be on this list. this song is the last song off their old ep, and is one of my favorite. the line that makes the song for me is "and it slows to just a trickle now/ but i wish that it was pouring out/ cause there's so much here to write about." love it. i think of it almost every night when i journal.

that is it. maybe later i'll put up pictures of things that are making me happy at the moment, aside from my music right now.

i have dreams of orca whales and owls.
- corrie


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