saticoy burning.
so... family life is still up and down, but my mom and i had quite the adventure tonight. actually it wasn't as much of an adventure as i would have liked it to be, but it was an adventure none the less.

after choir practice my mom came home and grabbed me to take me town to saticoy (about 2 miles from my house, if that far) to show me the fire that appeared to be burning the whole of old town down, and boy was it crazy. from telephone road it was really hard to tell what part of town it was in and what was burning. after taking some pictures we got back in the car to head home, and i convinced her to take a few detours and we ended up getting some great looks at the fire. in the end we figured out that it must be some quarry type place in town, and it is just burning to the ground as i type this.
so here are a couple of the pictures that i took from this little adventure tonight.
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