30 June 2007

"made for each other"

so, i'm sitting here watching "never been kissed" (for what is probably the millionth time) on abc family. it is one of my favorite movies, and i could probably recite most of the lines to you if we were to watch it together. right now we're at the point in the movie where josie is on the verge of being in the "in crowd" that she was never able to enter in high school herself, and has needed her brother to help her make it in now. the turning point for her comes during what is usually her english class but this day it happens to be their annual "sex ed" talk day. there are some highly embarassing moments having to do with bananas and condoms and such. josie's friend from work anita even stops by and pretends to be the women giving the sex ed talk. that whole part, which is funny and crucial, got almost totally cut out. the only two pieces of it that were showed were the beginning where their teacher mr. coulson (michael vartan!) explains that they are having a sex ed talk that day (the beginning of the scene), and when josie chooses the new theme for that years prom - "made for each other: couples throughout history." (the old theme, "the millenium," had also been chosen by east glen east, and that couldn't be tolerated.) the whole point is that i find it amusing that abc family cut almost the entire scene. oh movies on tv.

movies i can't wait to see in theatres:
- harry potter and the order of the phoenix
- hairspray
- death at a funeral
- evan almighty
- ocean's thirteen


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