i love my dad, and what better day to show my love for him than father's day? my dad is quiet (until you get to know him), and even tempered, and has a great sense of humor. he calls me dot and i call him pop, and we snap our fingers at each other around the house. now for a couple of stories about him.
one night he and my mother were out to dinner in downtown ventura, and walking by a store called wild planet. wild planet attracts all types of people from the hippie type, to the blue haired punk type. standing outside when they walked by happened to be a kid about 18 with a huge mohawk. my dad walked up to him and said "do you think i could do that to my hair?" and takes off his hat to reveal his long thinned hairline. the kid didn't know what to say but it has gone down in family legend.
my dad has fun playing the guitar. it started with him picking at it playing "yesterday" by the beatles, and other songs. it evolved into worship music and a little bit of everything (most recently "middle of the night" by sherwood). so, he's looking into getting a new guitar (he's currently playing my mom's old not so good one, that doesn't keep tune among other things), and he borrowed our friend liz's to see if he wanted one like hers. this is where it gets good. liz's guitar has a leopard print guitar strap, so he'll stand around the house playing this guitar, strap on and all. an old woman who used to go to our church and was greatly loved passed away about a week and a half ago and my mother was asked to sing at the graveside, and she asked my dad to accompany her. he did, leopard guitar strap and all. i told a couple of my friends (including liz) about it, and one said "your dad must be very secure with himself." liz said that when she heard he played at the funeral and that he left her guitar strap on all she could do was laugh.
that's the kind of guy that my dad is, and i love him for it all.
proud to call him my father.
- corrie

he and i represent sherwood well. (the shirt was his father's day gift.)
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