happy things.
so, i've gone around the last 10 or so minutes and taken pictures of the things that are currently/have recently made me happy. here they are, with a brief description of each. enjoy.
this is a picture of sarah and justin that was taken during christmas break. i have just completed my first of four weeks watching them this summer, and am enjoying it. in the last year that i've been gone they've turned into little brats, but hopefully over the next 5 weeks i can mush it out of them. no matter what i do love them, and are the closest things i have to little siblings.
this is the lazy river at the lake casitas water park near ojai. i went there for the first time on wednesday with the little brats (see above). it was such a good time. all we did for two hours was float/swim around this river. we all got along fantastically, and had a lot of fun splashing and floating around. i could probably go up there every day for the rest of summer and not complain one bit. i think i'll take the kids 2 times next week.
these are some starting to look sad sunflowers that are in a beautiful vase that my grandmother bought me. i got them last saturday, and then forgot to water them the last couple of days, but they are still beautiful. every time i look over to the corner of the room that they are in i smile.
these are the two most recent books that i read and each of them were great reads. i looked forward to reading them every day (more like every night), and they have really made me look at myself in a new, possibly more critical (but in a good way), light. i would recommend either of them to you.
this is a picture of my new journal, and i almost couldn't get it up here. (silly blogger photo upload thing. good thing i have common sense and some basic knowledge of html.) anyway, i have really been enjoying writing lately. writing in my last journal and this journal has been great. i write every night before i go to bed, whether its 2 pages or 14, 15 minutes or an hour, i write. this is also just a cool journal.
this my good friends, is an iced caramel macchiato. yum. this is my current addiction. it all began on sunday when the amusing girl from starbucks suggested it. it has served me well over the last 6 days. it may not look like much here but there is a small layer of caramel at the bottom and the sides originally had caramel on them. calorie filled, yes, but delicious none the less. my drink of choice may change within the next week, but at the moment i'm loving my trips to any coffee shop for this very drink. thank you starbucks girl from sunday.
now for a few observations and interesting moments from my day. actually i'm not sure they're that interesting, but mine none the less.
1. they make organic chocolate chip cookies. is that even possible? yes of course it is but here is what that means. everything that went into making that cookie was organic. if you follow that then you'll realize that even the chocolate is organic. is nothing safe from being organic anymore? i mean seriously, isn't the whole point of eating chocolate throwing all your cares away, and eating something that just tastes good? so, if you're going to eat it you may as well go the whole nine yards and eat the full on pesticide filled chocolate. (note: chocolate is yummy, and organic chocolate is probably not too bad. also, i don't know how much pesticides are used in the growing of ingredients that make regular chocolate.)
2. floyd landis is mennonite. i had no idea, and i think that it's totally cool. if you don't know who he is, well let me tell you . he is the current american favorite for winning the tour de france this summer. (if you don't know what the tour de france is, then please, find out or stop reading my blog.) anyway, he is the person of the week on ABCnews this week and they said that he is from lancaster, pa (i've actually been there), and talked about how his mom walks to a neighbors house to watch him ride every day. how totally cool is it that this mennonite kid grew up and is now hopefully going to win the tour de france.
okay... so that's basically it. aside from the fact that rumpole of the bailey is totally hilarious.
enjoying the fruits of summer.
- corrie

now for a few observations and interesting moments from my day. actually i'm not sure they're that interesting, but mine none the less.
1. they make organic chocolate chip cookies. is that even possible? yes of course it is but here is what that means. everything that went into making that cookie was organic. if you follow that then you'll realize that even the chocolate is organic. is nothing safe from being organic anymore? i mean seriously, isn't the whole point of eating chocolate throwing all your cares away, and eating something that just tastes good? so, if you're going to eat it you may as well go the whole nine yards and eat the full on pesticide filled chocolate. (note: chocolate is yummy, and organic chocolate is probably not too bad. also, i don't know how much pesticides are used in the growing of ingredients that make regular chocolate.)
2. floyd landis is mennonite. i had no idea, and i think that it's totally cool. if you don't know who he is, well let me tell you . he is the current american favorite for winning the tour de france this summer. (if you don't know what the tour de france is, then please, find out or stop reading my blog.) anyway, he is the person of the week on ABCnews this week and they said that he is from lancaster, pa (i've actually been there), and talked about how his mom walks to a neighbors house to watch him ride every day. how totally cool is it that this mennonite kid grew up and is now hopefully going to win the tour de france.
okay... so that's basically it. aside from the fact that rumpole of the bailey is totally hilarious.
enjoying the fruits of summer.
- corrie
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