23 July 2006

hot hot hot.

heat. yes, it is hot here. too hot. and not just hot, but humid too. this is southern california, it's not supposed to be this humid. at the beginning of the month i wrote about how i was enjoying the warm evenings, and how the heat felt good. i retract that statement. it was fine then, when it was dry heat, but it no longer does anything for me. aside, that is, from make me sweat. i've sweated enough. i'm through. give me my 65 degree evenings, and 75 degree days. oh how i miss our usual weather. my mom has compared this summer to the summer that she was pregnant with me, and how miserable she was in the heat. i don't really have anything to compare it to, save maybe last august when i moved into school.

speaking of which, that time is fast approaching. it's odd that i'm already talking about when i'm going to be going back to school. i'm counting down my final weeks, and boy are they busy. i've still got 3 more weeks with the kids, one off (but i'll be busy visiting people one last time), and then another half week before i leave for the 3 day journey to the midwest. joy. i'm having mixed emotions about going back at the moment. i'm looking forward to aspects of it, but starting classes isn't one of them. this semester is going to be brutal. i will think of it no longer until i must buy my books. cringe. that'll be through the roof.

i think that's all. and as usual it ended up being more than i anticipated.

ready for winter. (sorta)
- corrie


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