10 August 2006


i'm in a weird mood. i have a ton of things that i want to say, but i just don't feel like i could convey them in the proper way at this time. maybe another day. here is a brief blurb on those things, which is all i really feel like putting out there at the moment.

i got the new hellogoodbye album today. so far so good. ("touchdown turnaround i never see you around, anywhere or anymore, you are what i'm looking for") when i got it i put it in my truck and rolled down the windows and turned it up and basically screamed along to the songs that i knew (or the parts that i knew that is). that was good times.

i leave in under 2 weeks to go back to school and i've got super mixed feelings about that. tonight i really wanted to just get away and be somewhere on my own, but i'm not entirely sure school is that place. i'm sure that once i get there and get going i'll be fine, i just hate getting to that point.

i wrote the check for fall tuition tonight and something about it felt really weird. and it's a exorbitant amount of money just to learn things that i may or may not need. (some of my classes i'm sure would fall in the not category but are required to get my degree.)

i haven't even left and i'm already missing people. (or am i missing the idea of them?)

next summer can't come soon enough.

went to a dodger game this week. that was fun. but made more tiring considering that i had to drive and it was with a bunch of middle school age kids.

i saw my grandma and grandpa and cousin this week for the first time since just after christmas. that was really nice. i always enjoy seeing them.

last night was the full moon, and that always makes me smile.

went to the fair today. good times, good food.

i think that's all.
i'm feeling a little lost.
hope i find my way soon.


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