11 August 2007


So today, after attempting some recovery from the last week, I headed to take the best shower I have taken in the last week. As I'm walking down our hallway I step in something that squishes onto the bottom of my left foot. What was it? Poop. Yep. I stepped in poop in our hallway in our house. How it got there I have no idea. I blame Duke.

Since I'm talking about poop and my dog I have an amusing story from camp. So we're sitting around the dinner table in the lodge talking after eating. We were talking about farting (as we so often did) and so I told the story of how Jed (my other dog) once farted and then looked at his butt to see if that was the source of the noise. That story got good laughs but what really got some of the kids going was when I started talking about Duke's farts and then further how smelly his poop is. Everyone started to bust up with laughter. I laughed a little too and explained that I knew so well because I spend so much time picking up his poop (with a shovel, and with my hand in bag). It was a nice little moment. Glad I could enlighten you witn it as well.


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