11 September 2007

from future dwight.

so right now i'm hanging out at home watching the office season 3. i had been watching it with mi famila but everyone else is going to bed. oh the life i lead. it's really exciting and fun filled. yeah... anyway.

in case you couldn't tell not much is going on in my life. in all honesty in the last couple of weeks so little has happened that i can't remember most of it. here's what i have done.
- hung out with natalie some. we went to the beach, made ice cream sandwiches, ate more ice cream, played nertz, and other things.
- i reread 3 books that i quite like. they include bad heir day, asking for trouble, and a promising man (and about time too).
- i went to morro bay with my family. it was pretty good actually. i saw most of my cousins, we hung out in cayucos, hit the farmers market. i drank a lot of tea too. yum.
- while in morro bay i made it a point to get over to slo where i had coffee with laura on saturday, and then lunch with her on sunday.
- i've also spent lots of time with duke. woo.
- went out with natalie and liz & are planning a borderline later this week. i think.

in all honesty that's all i can remember. i'm super exciting, i know.

coming up on my agenda includes:
- applying for jobs. i'd really like to get one.
- working at the farm. it's 10th fall harvest festival, and should be good. also, for all you office fans the farm is also known as dwight's beet farm. yes, it is one in the same place.
- a possible trip to illinois for homecoming weekend. if the weekend looks like it's going to be worth while for me then i will be getting a ticket and heading out. that i could look forward to.

ah, well, i guess that's all. woo.


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