1. i did my hair (blew it dry and left it down) yesterday for the first time in a long time. i've been trying to remember when the last time i did it was, and i'm thinking the day of my grandpa's funeral, but i'm not sure i actually did it then either. anyway, it's getting long and i need to cut it. i think that i'll cut it when i'm home for spring break, but i might not be able to wait that long. maybe i'll find somewhere back here to do it.
2. it's raining here. with that rain is supposed to come with an ice storm. lovely. actually, i hope that it snows tomorrow, which it might. i'd rather have snow and cold than ice and a little warmer anyday.
3. another one bites the dust. i now have two weddings to go to this summer. last night my friend angie got engaged to her boyfriend pat. i'm super excited for her. they think that they're going to get married in late august so that all of their friends will be around for the beginning of school and can all come. i don't know where i'll be but i'll be sure to be there for the wedding.
4. valentines day is two days away. i'm not really looking forward to it. it holds no special meaning to me. a day like all other days in the year. but it's not. it's more annoying. people will be getting valentines, and wearing pink/red, and all sorts of things like that.
5. sherwood is coming out with a new album soon. i'm excited about it. they are even filming videos. how cool is that? i can't wait to see them. i love sherwood.
i feel like there is more, but i don't really remember what else there is.
oh well. there is always next time.
- corrie