28 February 2007


i love to paint. i tend to forget how much i enjoy painting because it is so rare that i actually paint. tonight we had a painting party at my house for the girls in my house. here in greenville we don't have glass recycling capabilities, so our house saved our bottles for painting tonight. someone also bought cheap candle holder things to paint too. i ended up painting 3 of the candle things and 2 bottles. i need to paint more often. it's so relaxing.

i love having paint on my fingers.
- corrie

(for my painting pictures see my pictures link on the right.)

17 February 2007


i am excited. why? well, not because it's 5:45am on a saturday morning, and i'm getting ready for a track meet. (i still hope that we can't go because of weather.) also not because yahoo weather says that it feels like 17 degrees outside. i am excited because on monday it is supposed to warm up to 48, and then tuesday 50, and wednesday 44. those numbers are music to my body. no more bundling up, and wearing shoes. thank goodness.

until then i'm still enjoying the snow.
- corrie

13 February 2007


i'm mostly sick of them. it all started at dinner when julianne and i were sitting by ourselves. then a few people from our house came and sat with us. not too bad to begin with, but then more people from our house showed up, and our table became full quickly. i got this sudden urge to sit alone, or with few people. yet there i was stuck at a table full of people and still hungry. so finally julianne and i left and came home (uphill in the snow i might add). overall home has been pretty nice since we got back, until the people we were sitting with came home, and got loud. bah.

glad to have a room that i can go to, and be away from people in.
- corrie

12 February 2007


1. i did my hair (blew it dry and left it down) yesterday for the first time in a long time. i've been trying to remember when the last time i did it was, and i'm thinking the day of my grandpa's funeral, but i'm not sure i actually did it then either. anyway, it's getting long and i need to cut it. i think that i'll cut it when i'm home for spring break, but i might not be able to wait that long. maybe i'll find somewhere back here to do it.

2. it's raining here. with that rain is supposed to come with an ice storm. lovely. actually, i hope that it snows tomorrow, which it might. i'd rather have snow and cold than ice and a little warmer anyday.

3. another one bites the dust. i now have two weddings to go to this summer. last night my friend angie got engaged to her boyfriend pat. i'm super excited for her. they think that they're going to get married in late august so that all of their friends will be around for the beginning of school and can all come. i don't know where i'll be but i'll be sure to be there for the wedding.

4. valentines day is two days away. i'm not really looking forward to it. it holds no special meaning to me. a day like all other days in the year. but it's not. it's more annoying. people will be getting valentines, and wearing pink/red, and all sorts of things like that.

5. sherwood is coming out with a new album soon. i'm excited about it. they are even filming videos. how cool is that? i can't wait to see them. i love sherwood.

i feel like there is more, but i don't really remember what else there is.
oh well. there is always next time.
- corrie

11 February 2007

night drive.

tonight while at target i got the new shins album, wincing the night away. i've been looking forward to it for well over a month now and it did not disappoint. i decided that it was a great album to listen to while driving at night. it's relaxing and mellow, but not so much so to put you to sleep. perfect.

yay shins!
- corrie

02 February 2007

one hundred.

100 days from today i will be graduating college. 100 days, that's it. this discovery (made during homework avoidance) brings forth a variety of emotions. the first is relief. relief that i only have to make it through 100 more days, filled with classes and track meets, before i am done with greenville college for good. (i say for good loosely because you never know what may happen in the future.) the second is uneasiness. my life 100 days from now is a complete mystery. in 101 days will i be leaving the midwest for home? will i be moving to a new portion of the country, waiting for me to arrive? i have no idea. the third is... something i can't put a word to yet. it is similar to the second but different, also in ways i can't describe. it is mostly related to my future in the "real world." you know, the one where i'll have a job, and bills, and insurance, and rent, and so many other things. i can't wait to be done, but i feel like i want to wait to start what comes next.

one final comment on my discovery and counting of days, and this is exciting to me. in 50 days from now, 50 days until i graduate, i will be going to see sherwood in st. louis. i can't wait for that for sure!

ready for the future?
- corrie

01 February 2007


it is now officially everywhere. last week my friend shannon who had been holding out longer than anyone else i know getting a facebook account, got one. this morning while i was reading the celebrity news on imdb.com, like i do everyday, i saw a link on the page that said 'share on facebook.' i was thrown off guard. it's not that i don't like facebook, and it's not that i don't like the news on imdb.com, i just don't think those two need to meet. but i do like that shannon is on facebook, that's fun.