30 June 2007

"made for each other"

so, i'm sitting here watching "never been kissed" (for what is probably the millionth time) on abc family. it is one of my favorite movies, and i could probably recite most of the lines to you if we were to watch it together. right now we're at the point in the movie where josie is on the verge of being in the "in crowd" that she was never able to enter in high school herself, and has needed her brother to help her make it in now. the turning point for her comes during what is usually her english class but this day it happens to be their annual "sex ed" talk day. there are some highly embarassing moments having to do with bananas and condoms and such. josie's friend from work anita even stops by and pretends to be the women giving the sex ed talk. that whole part, which is funny and crucial, got almost totally cut out. the only two pieces of it that were showed were the beginning where their teacher mr. coulson (michael vartan!) explains that they are having a sex ed talk that day (the beginning of the scene), and when josie chooses the new theme for that years prom - "made for each other: couples throughout history." (the old theme, "the millenium," had also been chosen by east glen east, and that couldn't be tolerated.) the whole point is that i find it amusing that abc family cut almost the entire scene. oh movies on tv.

movies i can't wait to see in theatres:
- harry potter and the order of the phoenix
- hairspray
- death at a funeral
- evan almighty
- ocean's thirteen

25 June 2007

the ink is gone.

the last few days have been great. the weather is practically perfect (about 70 and sunny with high clouds). the company has been great, and the activities have been tops.
on thursday shannon and emily arrived from arizona (and illinois) at my house for a weekend of fun in the sun.
their first evening here was the most laid back portion of the whole trip. we hung out around my house and then went down to the beach for emily's first night time beach trip.
friday was a really great time. we drove up to santa barbara, had lunch with my grandma and aunt, then took in some of the sights. i showed them a little around state street where shannon got some fun kitchen stuff and i got a fantastic bowl. then we drove up to the mission where the remnants of the i madonnari (chalk drawing) festival were still visible. we also walked in the rose garden and took picture of beautiful flowers. next was sterns wharf (the s.b. pier) where we walked around, took more pictuers, and saw a sea lion in the water near the end. later that evening we went to my friend nat's house for her, what did she call it?, affirmation of baptism. (she wanted to be baptised again, but the presbyterian church only does a single baptism so they reorganized it a bit and it was still amazing.) after which we hung around and ended up playing wii.
saturday was crazy and loads of fun. we hit my favorite coffee shop (simones) and i drove them around ventura a little more before we got ready and went to chapman university in orange, ca and saw jars of clay at the lifewater conference. it was so much fun! i do have two amusing and "it would" stories. the first is when, on the way down stuck in traffic, i decide that emily's purse needs to be cleaned out, it had a ton of old junk in it. so as i'm working my way through all of it i decide to compile the two addresses she had onto one piece of paper. i pick up one of her pens and i open it and try to write when i realize that it has exploded all over my hands. i'm pretty sure that the ink is gone now, but i totally had it all over my hands for the last few days. i kind of felt like i'd been dyeing clothes and stained my hands. the second story from the night has to do with the contact in my left eye. we're about half way through the amazing show that jars of clay was putting on and my eye starts to feel like it has something in it. i rub it, and rub it, and keep rubbing it. finally it slips out of place and i can't feel it and can't get it back into place but i know it hasn't come out. so i go down to the bathroom to look for it and i can't find it. as i'm trying to get it out i rub and open my eye and half of it falls out. yes HALF of it. the other half is still somewhere in my eye and won't come out. so i head back up to the concert, only having half clear vision, and proceed to watch the remainder of the set that way. it ended up being somewhat cool because everyone was half blurry and as dan (the lead singer) stood on stage talking to all of us he looked really cool that way. it was like someone had taken a picture of him, then dragged his body a foot to the right making the edges of his body on the right looking blurily stretched. i can't describe it better than that written, but it was awesome. what was also fun was driving back because i pulled out my other contact and threw it away and rode home all blurry eyed. it was also fun when we drove by disneyland and got to watch the nightly fireworks from the 5 freeway.
sunday was a fun day too. we went to church, which was good, and then grabbed sarah (saving her from the 6th grade parents lunch with her family) and headed for lunch and the beach. we got urban cafe and drove to the harbor where we ate in the bed of my truck before going and sitting on the beach, and walking down to the water where we got our legs (and pants) wet. then we headed back home and shannon and emily left to go back to arizona where they would (are actually) hanging out with shannon's family before emily takes off for home in illinois.
all in all the three of us had a wonderful time, and it was so much fun for me to have friends here that had fun just hanging out and loving it.
see what happens when i don't blog often enough? a super long blog. i hope you made it through to the end.
- corrie

19 June 2007


my mom and i are sitting here watching the sleezy tv tabloid inside edition and they just showed something that was so incredibly close to PURE GENIUS that i was on the edge of voting for hillary clinton for president.

this is the video that started it all:

it is campaign brilliance! it takes something that so many people have been talking about and invested in recently and makes that sopranos finale moment much more acceptable to those who were so upset by it. it also makes them real, and plays up moments from their life (see bill eating carrots instead of onion rings cause of his heart). i was totally floored by the whole thing in the best possible way. she has an AMAZING team of people behind her, with fantastic ideas.

so what ruined it for me? well, the whole thing is to reveal the song that she has choosen to be her campaign song. the parody does not reveal what the winning song is, but the tv show did. it turns out that the winning song is "you and i" by celine dion. america chose a celine dion song for hillary clintons campaign song! how awful!

now the whole having america vote for the song thing added to the brilliance of what her campaign team did, but that is risky business leaving it up to the public. plus it makes the public feel like they have had a helping hand in her campaign, and that she cares for and respects what they think. interesting huh? personally i'd be highly upset if that ended up being my song, but i am sure that she had some sort of say in what the choices for people to vote on would be.

just thought i'd share a slice of campaign/pr genius with all of you. i hope that you found it as amazing as i did.

camp corrie.

so, for the third summer camp corrie has begun. we are in the second day of our first week, and as far as i can tell it's already going quite well. yesterday we hung out and went and saw "nancy drew" which i loved, and i think the kids liked too. so far today we have watched a little tv, played a little video games (xbox, and then n64), hit my house, made a run by the church, stoped by target (i got the new lifehouse cd), ate at urban cafe & red brick pizza (i had urban the kids had red brick), went back by my house, and now here we sit watching "surf ninjas."

what has been funny about today is sarah. she is laughing really loud and hard at something that the rest of us (justin and i that is) find mildly amusing. it's kind of funny, but also a little startling cause it's so loud. oh what fun.

laughing hard or hardly laughing. or both.

18 June 2007

i got it!

i got a macbook that is.
i'm typing this blog on it right now.
i'm super excited, and thought that i'd share the excitement with any of you who were interested.
i'm going to go now and do some more setup on it.
okay bye!

13 June 2007

apple thoughts.

for a while now i've been thinking about getting a new computer. not that i don't like the one that i currently have, but it is starting to have some currently minor issues that will soon turn into much larger issues and i really don't want to have to deal with that.

recently an opportunity has come up in which i will be assisted in getting some type of electronic (computer, ipod, printer, computer monitor, etc.). with this opportunity came up a flood of ideas concerning what i could get. actually, not really a flood, just one and later two or three things. the first thing that popped into my head was a new computer, specifically a macbook.

as i processed this possibility of actually getting one i addressed the very real process in which i go through when looking into a something new that i don't know much about. the first step is taking time to think over the issue, which is anywhere from a week, to a month, to years in some cases (see my tattoo). the second step is finding out all that i can about what it is that i want, and talking to people who know something about it. the third step is usually a week to two week period in which i really think about and talk to more people about what it is that i want when i know exactly what i want. and lastly, the fourth step is the acquisition of what it is that i want, and usually occurs pretty quickly, or as quickly as is allowed.

for the last week and a half i have been in the first step of my process. i haven't spent much time dwelling on the possibility but thinking about it whenever it comes up. tonight came the critical transition point from step one to step two. tonight i decided that i for sure want to get a new computer and began investigating macbooks. i am actually within a couple choices of the exact product that i want. i have also emailed a close friend who recently got a macbook, and asked her a list of questions that i hope will help me in my pursuit of decision making.

this could go much quicker than my process has previously taken, and that could be a good thing. i'm looking forward to the possibilities that the future holds for me and my electronics.

the future owner of a mac?
- corrie

12 June 2007

summer loves.

so, here i am sitting in my usual seat on the end of the couch farthest from the tv in our living room just hanging out watching my mom play space invaders on our n64, (she could be doing better if i do say so myself) and thinking about a few things that i am enjoying doing in what is probably my last real summer. here is a list of those things. (i love making lists like this!)

- having the time to read whatever i want. this includes the entire harry potter series up to this point, which i just finished today. i'm actually considering reading book 6 again the week before book 7 comes out just to refresh my memory. i think tonight i'll start girl meets god by lauren f. winner, as recommended to me by emily.
- watching tv, but only the tv that i want to watch. this primarily consists of any episode of deadliest catch, and mythbusters. in fact there is a new deadliest catch on in 11 minutes that i am thoroughly looking forward to watching.
- talking to friends at the most unlikely times. i've had a couple of phone calls come out of the blue that have been very enjoyable and also some ones on a very regular basis that are so nice to look forward to.
- getting emails from becky. i pretty much love anything that becky writes and sends to me. it is always so thoughtful and honest and comforting. often times the little letters or emails that she sends to me mean more than so many other things that people could do for me or say to me.
- being able to sit here in this spot and read or sit on my computer and play solitaire. i'm getting quite good a the latter.

well, those are some of the highlights from my summer so far. i hope that you have some from yours as well.

time for deadliest catch. yes!
- corrie

06 June 2007

long posts.

so i just realized that i've become the queen of leaving long messages on friends walls on facebook. i'm not sure that i am capable of leaving a short one anymore. i think that i've left 5 messages for people over the last 2 days (possibly more), and i would consider 4 of them to be long by most standards. i just have so much to say and i don't do well saying it in a single short sentence. i need like 3 or 4 or 5. oh well.

what should i get for dinner?
- corrie

03 June 2007


so, as i headed into the bathroom tonight i remembered that i needed a few things like contact solution, toothpaste, and make-up remover. in my head i say "dang, i forgot i need to go to wal-mart." immediately i stopped and thought "what!?! wal-mart? i'm home i go to target." it was just a funny moment from my day that made me realize that although i'm adjusting back to the california home way of life i'm still a little stuck in the whole small town midwest mindset. i'm glad that i'm still having those moments because it means that i'm not losing everything from being back there, which is only too easy to do.

in other news it's june and i think my life is going to start getting busy. after two weeks of doing basically nothing (except reading the harry potter books) i already have 3 things planned for this week. it may not seem like a lot but considering what i've been doing lately it is. i've accepted an offer to work for a company that is owned by a guy who goes to my church. i'll technically be working for his company but they will be donating my time to doing promotional things for our church. i wasn't too keen to take it initially but it ended up sounding better than i thought it would be so i went for it. i think we're going to dub it a type of internship, but we haven't worked out the details on it yet.

camp corrie will also be getting back into full swing soon. i think that i'll be doing it four or five weeks out of this summer. it should be a good time, as always, and probably the last summer that it will happen.

next sunday we have our grad night for the 8th graders who are going to high school and our high school graduates, and i am doing the decorations for it. the theme this year is "ye grads of the round table" or something like that i believe. i've got a lot to do this week leading up to that, but it will be over pretty soon.

well, that's mostly it. i went to my cousin's wedding this weekend and it was really nice. she looked beautiful and was so happy. it was good to see all of my family again too. the last time i saw everyone we weren't all so happy, so it was good that we could come together for something like a wedding.

i guess i should finish my ice cream.
- corrie