31 August 2007

do you have...

... certain movies or music that you always listen to when something happens? I do.

When it rains or storms i love to listen to the "Monsoon Wedding" soundtrack or watch the movie. I'm currently listeing to one of the beautiful soft songs called "Hold Me, I'm Falling." I believe this song plays when Alice and Dubey are falling in love.

I love that movie. It's a top 5. In case you didn't already know.

29 August 2007

looking for something.

Have you ever had a time when you were looking for something that you couldn't quite describe but knew once you saw it you would KNOW that was what you were looking for?

It happens often to me, and is occuring on a more regular basis recently. Currently it encompasses everything from a job, to a place to live (somewhat tied to job but not entirely), a new purse/bag, and what coffee drink I should get. It's an odd feeling, and difficult when it goes along with so much. I know it will all come in the end, but it's getting there that's tough.

To steal a phrase from a friend I will end with this:

Oh life.

17 August 2007

i must say.

Tonight at 8pm "High School Musical 2" will premere on the Disney Channel, and I must confess that I am looking forward to it. Yes, it's true I am a High School Musical fan. Laugh all you want, I do not care. So now you know what I will be doing tonight.
Ah, the life of a 22 year old college graduate.

14 August 2007

the end has begun.

Today was the first day of the last week of Camp Corrie. And when I say "the last week" I mean the last week EVER. I do not believe that there will ever be another week of Camp Corrie. Here is what is fun about this week, and more specifically today. Initially we could not decide for the life of us what to do. Finally Justin said it would be cool to rent a movie, and suggested "3 Ninjas" - a classic movie that I had recommended some time ago. When we brought it home from the video store and put it in we discovered that the tape was so old that we could no longer see a picture but only hear the sound. Upon deciding to not only listen to the movie we decided to finish watching "Chicken Run" (on Cartoon Network), and then exchange "3 Ninjas" for "Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith." Now that may not seem significant to any of you, but you will soon understand the significance of it in this final week of Camp Corrie.

I take you back to two summers ago in the first week of the first Camp Corrie ever. I don't entirely remember how it started but I believe that Sarah and Justin had never seen any of the Star Wars movies before. We started with the remastered originals (I happen to own them). Once we finished with those we drove around Ventura to multiple video stores, I got a Blockbuster account and we rented Episodes 1 & 2. Within about a week we watched the 5 Star Wars movies that were out on DVD. This happened to be the summer that Episode 3 came out in theateres (that probably spawned the watching of the first 5 for me at least), and the kids were a little too young to see it (especially in theateres) so we didn't see it. Until now. Today we rented Episode 3 and completed the viewing of the entire Star Wars movies.

I found it fitting to finish something that we started at the beginning at the end.
Only 2 more Camp Corrie days left.

13 August 2007

the bourne anything.

So today I finally got around to seeing the new Jason Bourne movie "The Bourne Ultimatum." It was SO good, and totally worth it! I was, however, a little sad to know that it was all over. So, in order to stem this feeling of finality, I went to Barnes & Noble and picked up the three Jason Bourne books by Robert Ludlum. I'm about to start reading the first one as soon as I finish writing this.
If you have yet to see the movie, or you would like to see it again, the please get in touch with me because I would like to see it again. Or really, if you want to see any movie, it is likely that I will want to see it and probably need someone to see it with so shoot me a message anyway.
Go see "The Bourne Ultimatum"!

12 August 2007

le princess bride.

So every August for the last about 15 years our church (Eastminster Presbyterian) has set up a tent on our large field and had a single worship service under it on Sunday mornings to bring everyone together, and make it more inviting to the community. This year is the first year that we have had the capability to put a screen and projector in it for services and such. This has opened up the option for what we did tonight - watch a movie under the tent in the evening. It was so much fun! We watched "The Princess Bride" (which is a classic EPC movie, and pretty much the only movie we watched at movie nights in my middle school years), and I had such a blast watching it again because it had been so long. I had forgotten how much I loved the movie, and now I think that I'm going to have to go out and buy it. Not only was the movie great but it was so much fun sitting out on the church field watching a movie with my church family. I was a little disappointed in the low number of people who showed up. It was such a great time and idea that I can't understand why some people would not want to come. Oh well, whatever. They missed out.
If you get the chance in the next week (or whenever) you should watch "The Princess Bride" and think of me. Watch it with friends and please quote it as you watch. As far as I'm concerned that only makes it better.

11 August 2007


So today, after attempting some recovery from the last week, I headed to take the best shower I have taken in the last week. As I'm walking down our hallway I step in something that squishes onto the bottom of my left foot. What was it? Poop. Yep. I stepped in poop in our hallway in our house. How it got there I have no idea. I blame Duke.

Since I'm talking about poop and my dog I have an amusing story from camp. So we're sitting around the dinner table in the lodge talking after eating. We were talking about farting (as we so often did) and so I told the story of how Jed (my other dog) once farted and then looked at his butt to see if that was the source of the noise. That story got good laughs but what really got some of the kids going was when I started talking about Duke's farts and then further how smelly his poop is. Everyone started to bust up with laughter. I laughed a little too and explained that I knew so well because I spend so much time picking up his poop (with a shovel, and with my hand in bag). It was a nice little moment. Glad I could enlighten you witn it as well.

10 August 2007

long time gone.

Concerning this blog it has been quite a while since I have written anything. Lots of course has happened but I guess not enough to spur me to write, until now that is. I just got back (like an hour ago) from taking middle schoolers to camp at Ponderosa Pines Christian Camp near Big Bear. It was a great time. We had 3 girls and 5 boys go, and had another great experience. This was my 5th time going as a leader to Pondo (I've never been as a camper actually). Like I said it was a great time, but right now I'm just tired and I don't know what to do with myself. I've spent most of the time htat i've been home on my computer, but I'm running out of things to do (which is possibly why I'm writing) and I don't know what else to do. I've had such a great week not watching TV and doing things like that, so now that TV is my primary option I'm not really interested in doing it. I'm thinking about watching the camp DVD that I purchased, and possibly taking a nap. I love naps.

In other news my future is still bleak and that is not helping my overall mood at the moment. I think I should just stop thinking all together. Things would be so much more plesant.